Have you been feeling a bit low lately, but you can’t quite put your finger on why? It may have something to do with your social media habits. According to a recent study, social media use can increase depression and loneliness. For years people have suspected that social media use might have an ability to […]
The Caregiver’s Guide to Self-Care
Are you acting as a caregiver to a loved one? Maybe your elderly parent or a spouse or child that is battling a serious illness? According to womenshealth.gov, 36% of Americans provided unpaid care to another adult with an illness or disability in 2012, and that number has almost certainly climbed as the baby boomer […]
Loss of Independence in Old Age
As with most things in life, getting older comes with its good points and bad points. Speaking from a “glass is half full” point of view, getting older means having more confidence in who you are. It means enjoying retirement, traveling and getting a seat on a crowded bus or subway. But there is also […]
Satisfied Versus Full – How to Make Sure You’re Not Overeating
Most of us have felt that familiar feeling of overeating. We go from feeling “starved” to sort of blacking out as we shove food into our mouths and then roughly 20 minutes later feel “too full” and uncomfortable. Why does this happen to us and so often? Well, there are three reasons, really” The first […]
How Telehealth May Change the Future of Therapy
A while back there was a very funny television show starring Lisa Kudrow (ditzy Phoebe from Friends) called “Web Therapy.” It was an improvised show and Lisa played a therapist who treated her patients over the Internet. Hence the title of the show. Well, back when the show was on, the idea of treating mental […]
5 Ways to Effectively Manage Anxiety
If you suffer from anxiety, you know that awful feeling when heart races, you start to sweat, and you feel like you just want to run. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness in the United States, affecting roughly 40 million adults. While […]
How to Bring Up Resilient Children
Have you heard the phrase “helicopter parent?” It describes a mother or father that ‘hovers’ around their child 24/7, overseeing their life to keep them from every potential danger, pitfall and mishap. It looks good on paper, but this kind of parenting forgets one important fact of reality: life happens. Adversity happens to all of us. […]
What is Conscious Parenting?
How many parents have said at one point or another, “I wish my child would have come with a users’ manual,”? Nearly every single one. Nothing can really prepare us for parenthood. No class, no advice, and no user manual can give us the tools we require for raising happy and healthy kids. The truth […]
5 Tips for Safely Navigating the ‘Non-Exclusive’ Dating World
Being out in the dating world can be an exciting experience. There are moments of fun and laughter, as well as awkwardness and disappointment. All the while, you anticipate finding chemistry and a connection with someone. If you’re dating and looking just for fun and friendships, you’re going to be meeting lots of people. Keep […]
Senior Dating: 4 Tips to Finding Your Silver Mojo
Dating. It’s not easy at any age, but it can be downright tough for those in the 60+ category. The world has most likely changed significantly since the last time you may have dated. You yourself have also changed. Love, loss, careers, raising a family, etc. have all impacted who you are and how you […]